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English Model Paper Class 8

English Model Paper Class 8 | Rajasthan Board Exam

English Model Paper Class 8 | Rajasthan Board Exam

इस लेख में हम राजस्थान बोर्ड परीक्षा कक्षा 8 के लिए जारी मॉडल पेपर को हल किया गया है. यह लेख आपकी तैयारी व पेपर के प्रश्नों व उनके अंक विभाजन को समझा जा सकता है. English Model Paper Class 8

राजस्थान राज्य शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद्, उदयपुर



Subject – English

Sample Paper

Duration 2:30 hours                                                        Max.Marks – 80

(a) a

(b) the

(c) an

(d) none       [   ]

(a) Prince

(b) King

(c) Minister

(d) Crop         [   ]

(a) War

(b) Car

(c) Far

(d) Bar       [    ]

(a) had walked

(b) walking

(c) have been walking

(d) walks       [    ]

(a) who

(b) what

(c) where

(d) when      [    ]

(a) in

(b) upon

(c) into

(d) on           [    ]

(a) would

(b) must

(c) could

(d) none of the above      [    ]

          Rani Lakshmi bai was a great…………………….of India. She is……………….as Jhansi ki Rani. She was………………….to Raja Gangadhar Rao. Lakshmi Bai fought very…………………with British to save Jhansi.

Ans (a) Gentleman – …………………………………..

(b) Horse – ………………………………………………….

Ans (a) L_op_rd = ………………………….

(b) C_n_ma = ………………………………..

(left, right, drink, stop)

(a) One should walk on the………………..side of the road.

(b) One should not……………..while driving.

(a) was/The old lady/sitting/in a wheelchair

(b) an honest/boy/Mohan/is

          All these thoughts led me to question myself as to why people climb mountains. It is not easy to answer the question. The simplest answer would be, as others have said. “Because it if there.” It presents great difficulties. Man takes delight in overcoming obstacles. The obstacles in climbing a mountain are physical. A climb to a summit means endurance, persistence, and will power. I have been attracted by mountains. I had been miserable, lost, when away from mountains, in the plains. I believe that mountains are a means of communication with God.

I. difficult: …………………………………….

II. give: …………………………………………

          Thirteen year old Meghna was swept away along with her parents and seventy seven other people. She spent two days floating in the sea, holding on to a wooden door. Eleven times she saw relief helicopters overhead, but they did not see her. She was brought to the shore by a wave and was found walking on the seashore in a daze.

          Almas Javed was ten years old. She was a student of Carmel Convent in Port Blair where her father had a petrol pump. Her mother Rahila’s home was in Nancowry Island. The family had gone there to celebrate Christmas. When the tremors came early in the morning, the family was sleeping.

    I. Helicopter : ………………………………………………………..

    II. Year : ………………………………………………………………..

A person’s fathe and mother –

          One of the greatest mysteries of bird’s life is travelling. Every year during autumn and early winters, birds travel from northern region of Asia, Europe and America to the southern warmer land. They make the return journey again during spring and early dangers and hardships while travelling long distance. Sometimes sudden storms arise and drive them far out of course. At night, bright lights attracts and confuse the birds. They cannot fly at their fastest.

(a) Quit India movement started in 1942.

(b) The Constitution of India came into effect in 1950.

(c) Dandi March started on March 12, 1930.

(d) India got independence in 1947.

(e) Jawaharlal Nehru became the first Prime Minister of India.

(You may use the following clues)

I. How are your studies going on?

II. What are the facilities in school?

III. What are you doing to improve your studies?

Abhinav Hostel

Alwar, Rajasthan

18 February, 2025

My dear Mother,

I hope you are doing well. My studies are going smoothly. I pay attention in class and complete my homework regularly. The school has good facilities, including a library, science labs and a computer lab. To improve, I revise daily, practice sample papers and focus on weak subjects. Teachers are very supportive and helpful. Don’t worry about me. I am working hard to make you proud.

Yours Sincerely,


18 February, 2025

The Headmaster

Government Upper Primary School


Subject: Requesting to issue transfer certificate.

Respected Sir

With due respect I beg to state that I am a student of class VIII A. My father works in a Govt. bank. He has been transferred to Bikaner. The whole family will shift there. I have to take admission in a Govt. School. I need my transfer certificate to get admission.

Kindly issue my T.C. and oblige.

Thanking you.

Yours Faithfully


(You may use the following clues)

(best gift of nature, provides, intakes, fruits, wood, reducing pollution, supports ecosystem, rainfall)

Ans : Save Trees

Trees are the best gift of nature to Man. Trees give life to men and animals. We get many things from forests. We get wood. It is used to make furniture and other things. It gives us fuel to burn. We get fruits and medicines also. Many kinds of animals and birds live in forests. Forests give fodder for animals. Forests attract clouds which cause rain. Trees prevent soil erosion also. Trees give out oxygen to us. They purify air. They help us to solve our problem of air pollution. Many industry depend on forests. Paper industry, match industry, rubber industry depend on trees. They give employment to people. So we should grow more and more trees and protect them.

          Two friends and a bear ………. going ………. forest …………. promise to help …….. see a bear. One climbs up a tree …….. the other does not know how to climb ……. lies down on the ground ……….. bear smells him …………. Takes him ……. dead …………… goes friend comes down ……….. asks what did bear say ………. Don’t rely on false friends ……….. feels ashamed.

          Once upon a time there were two friends. They were going through a forest. They promised to help each other. After some time they saw a big bear coming towards them. One of the friends ran and climbed up a tree. The other friend did not know how to climb a tree. He lay down on the ground. The bear came to him. It smelled him. It smelled him. It thought that he was dead. So it went away. The other friend came down and asked, “What did the bear say in your ear?” He said that the bear told him never trust a false friend. His friend was ashamed.

Q. Why are model papers important?

Ans: Model papers help students:
Understand the exam format and question types.
Identify their strengths and weaknesses.
Practice time management.
Build confidence for the exam.

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